
Located at Kota Kinabaru city, Inanam Laut, Sabah, the Ji-Gong Pavilion was built under close observation of several deities,instruction were sent through the sand scripts at the De-Jiao Moralist temple 德教会沙盘伏基…

Ji-Gong Pavilion 济公亭 was designed in March 2009 under the sand-scripts instructions directed by Ji-Gong 济公 and Yang Yunsong 杨筠松师尊。济公俗称 “济公活佛”,宋代浙江天台人,俗姓李名修缘,梯度于杭州西湖灵隐寺,法名道济。

Ji-Gong 济公 also known as The Living Buddha活佛、The Mad Monk 济颠和尚、疯僧、or Dao-Ji-Shi-Zun 道济师尊, he is one of the active deities of the Taoist Moralism Religions known as De-Jiao 德教. De-Jiao 德教 practices communication with various Taoist deities through the “Sand-Pitch Scriptures”. The scriptures are believed to be the instructions of the deity pleasant when a ritual is in command. Instruction received word by word written on the sand plate with a willow tree branch hold by two appointed master writers, these masters are possessed to follow the instruction of the deity on duty. The words are read out and copied onto paper by another person. In case of talisman is needed, it will also be drawn by the masters using a paint brush attached to the willow branch and write directly onto a yellow colour talisman paper.

In mid 2008, instruction was received that Ji-Gong deity wish to have a pavilion build at the corner of a garden within the compound of a new dwelling, the purpose of the pavilion is for Ji-Gong to invite other deities for leisure and drinking sessions. Construction work carried out as directions and advices also given by other Taoist deities such as SongDaFong 宋大丰师尊、LiuChunFang 柳春芳师尊 and the most renowned fengshui deity YangYunSong 杨筠松师尊。

Commencement of Work …

As usual,large dark clouds appeared on a sunny day,but no rain,were they watching over me again? 天空顿时的转变,莫非祂们又来观看了?

 》Working out the points for the 12 Chinese birth signs, this is to hold the ground directional forces as the pavilion was set at a different angle to face the heavenly forces… 十二生肖定局 …

The Pavilion was completed in March 2009 …
It is not as simple as it may look, the application of theological fengshui measures is beyond explanatory, one of the most mystical incidences is the fragrant of wine pleasant during early morning and around midnight, he probably drinks from midnight to dawn?

  • He is drunk most of the time because he drinks all the time…
  • The fruits and biscuits on the table are for decoration only!…
  • 他似乎永远醉醺醺的…糕果即成为桌面上的装饰…

  • 12 Chinese birth signs were placed around the upper section of the pavilion to hold the ground directional forces. 十二生肖定局 …
  • The Ceiling light was instructed to turn on throughout for a minimum of 99 days. All wine containers are to be kept full … 九十九日的常明灯…

  • Right picture, 2 walk paths are set on the left and right side.
  • Middle picture is the wooden block path in front the pavilion,set to lead into the entrance of the main door. They are designed for Taoists Yin-Yang steps.家阴阳步罡与宅局 …
  • Left picture, a small brass Ji-Gong altar and the incense burner.

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