About CPLim 林质彬简介


Fengshui is not just about finding out directions and flying all over with numbers; Flying Star is an equation not a fengshui solution.

The objective of fengshui is to bring harmony to the environment, applying obscure rules will achieve no purpose but harmful to the environment instead.

Hi, thank you for visiting my website. In this page, I shall introduce myself to establish an understanding of my studies. My early education were mainly in art and design, I hold a British Bachelor Honors Degree in Graphic Design and a Certified Educationist from London University in 1975 and 76 respectively. After serving the commercial design industry in London for a number of years, I returned to complete my Masters degree in Visual Communication and successfully obtained Masters honors degree in Communication Design at Middlesex University. During those years of art studies since the 70s, I came into interest in Oriental culture, astrology and Zodiac prediction studies. Upon completion of my degree studies, I worked as a graphic designer in London before entering the education industry in early 1980s when I migrated to reside in Singapore.

In Singapore, when I was in closer contact with oriental culture, my contact with I-Ching and Tao Philosophy studies gradually added my interest in Oriental fate cultures, fengshui and theological studies. Among the many aspects of cultural studies, my main area of specialties include fengshui, face & palm reading, fate predictions and theological & talisman practices. Over these years, I have been invited regularly to conduct design, fengshui and theological related lectures and international events in many countries.

I hold life membership and Associate Professorship with the International Institute of Tao Philosophy and Yunnan University School of Design in China since 2004. Currently, I conduct a studies group known as CPLim World of Tao-Culture (in short known as Geoman). Geoman practices fengshui principles for space planning and environmental design. The objective is to continue more than 5000 years of oriental cultural practices. Geoman conducts cultural related studies in fengshui, theological, I-Ching philosophy, study tours and TaiJi martial arts. I was invited as one of the fengshui topic speakers in the 2nd and 3rd International FengShui Convention in Singapore. I have attended most Tao studies and cultural conventions; in 2009, I have attended the 12th Global Yi-Ching Convention in Singapore, 2nd Taoists Studies & Fengshui convention in Taipei and was invited to the First International Summit on Laozi and Taoist Culture in Beijing. I am currently the consultant for building developers, advisor for religious temples and curricular consultant for Singapore I-Ching Society.

I have also written a number of books and design related articles in visual arts and fengshui mainly from the research studies papers.

Publications of CPLim 林质彬老师的著作

  • 斗数论命 (中文版) 2011
  • 敲经与保健 (中文版) 2010
  • 壬辰2012择吉方书 (中文版)
  • 辛卯2011择吉方书 (中文版)
  • Feng Shui Story 4 风水故事之四: 姓名学讲义 (中文版) 2010
  • Feng Shui Story 3 风水故事之三: 漫谈占测术 (中文版) 2009
  • Feng Shui Story 2 风水故事之二: 实务阳宅风水 (中文版) 2009
  • Feng Shui Story 1 风水故事之一: 玄空挨星风水 (中文版) 2009
  • Secrets of the Human Face & Palm (English) 2007
  • The Science of Feng Shui (English) 2002
  • I-Ching, Feng Shui & Fate 易经 风水 命理 (中文版) 2000
  • Auspicious Dates and Feng Shui 民俗择日与风水 (中文版) 1998
  • Starting Your Day with a Smile (Eng-Edition) 1995
  • Face reading 人面奇观 (中文版) 1993, 1994,1998.
  • 5-Element & 2-Dimensional Design 五行与平面设计 (中文版) 1993

马来西亚道家与民俗文化学者 – 林质彬教授





林老师喜好山区与大自然生活。过去数十年里,曾到访过中国数圣山如华山,武当山,青成山,黄山,阿里山,云南省数乡区等地探讨研究道家思想与堪舆术。也经常到沙巴洲东南亚最高峰 “神山” 修养及举办道学与民俗文化活动。


Our Objectives

Geomancer.net is a non-religious organisation which focuses in Oriental cultural studies including Modern day Fengshui technology, Environmental Design,Traditions, Theological and Customs. We encourage individuals who are interested in this field to join our studies and excursions in knowledge of cultural studies. We wish to extend our area to historical, archaeological, Western cultures and customs. Please visit our research partners at www.taoist.org.tw

我们是一个非营利,非宗教组织。我们的兴趣是传统文化的研究。范围包括现代空间学与传统风水概念,民俗节日与信仰,人类玄神历史等。我们经常举办相关的研究会。欢迎对这方面有兴趣的人士学者与我们分享有关的资讯。请参观我们其他网站 www.taoist.org.tw

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