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- 生理时钟 Biological Clock
- 药方 – Herbal Prescriptions
- 蚊症 Dengue Fever
- 预防肾结石 Kidney Stone
- 中风 Stroke
- 道家太极香 Taoist Incense
- Biological Clock 生理时钟
Dedicated to the Night-burners 特别献给经常熬夜的人士…
常言到 “没办法啦!为了生活必须这样!” 既 然想“生”想“活”就别损坏本来完美的身体!
“熬夜” 指在晚上九时后还在承担肉体或精神消耗者。生理时钟在不同的时间负担不同的生理作息使命。晚上9时后必须休息, 最好睡觉…
11 pm-12 mdn 初眠期 – 杂梦多却是敏感期,容易复醒,过后可能难再入眠。Early sleep stage, dreamy but sensitive and easily be awaken.
12 mdn-01 am 夜眠期 – 特忌饮食,必须休息,入眠。Full resting period, avoid consumption of drink and food, should go to sleep.
01 am-03 am 排毒期 – 肝脏排毒时期。特忌饮食酒精及含有毒素的食物如海鲜肉类等。Liver Purifying Stage, purging toxin from the body. Avoid food intakes, alcohol or intoxicated substance.
01 am-06 am 休眠期 – 体质弱者又暴食或熬夜者易感染疾病, 绝症等。Vulnerable Stage. Poor physical, intake of intoxicated substance at this time will attract deadly illness and infections。
06 am-09 am 清醒期 – 体能回复期,注意饮食。宜留意“早餐吃的好”之说。运动最佳时段。早餐忌空肚饮食冰冷饮料、香蕉、黄梨、蒜和煎炸多油食物等。Energy Recovering Stage, best time to increase physical resistance. Empty stomach before breakfast should avoid ice cold drinks, banana, pineapple, garlic and fermented contains.
09 am-11 am 高峰期 – 身心最佳变化期,集中力与创造能力盛期。Most productive level, concentration and creative stage.
11 am-01 pm 午休期 – 最佳养神放松期, 忌饮食含酒精及有毒素的食物。切记“午餐七分饱”。Mid-Relax stage, meditation, relax and rest. Avoid heavy food intakes, alcoholic drinks or intoxicated substance.
01 pm-04 pm 平衡期 – 午餐后会疲乏,宜小睡或做少压力的工作。Relaxing stage. After lunch causes tiredness and reduces concentration.
04 pm-05 pm 低潮期 – 体力进入耗弱期,不宜过量饮食,宜以水果或营养食品补充。Exhaustion level. Should have some fruits to replenish.
05 pm-07 pm 松散期 – 血糖略增,味觉敏感期,宜准进食味晚膳,留意“晚餐吃的少”之说。避免作户外,即靠近工业区、市区或车辆来往的地方跑步或运动。Sugar levels is high during this time. Smell and taste sensitive. Ideal for a delicious dinner. Avoid outdoor heavy exercise such as jogging in the city, near industrial or motor vehicle zones.
07 pm-09 pm 充实期 – 餐后宜放松,散步或沐浴松懈疲劳,必须放弃一切肉体或精神任何负担。Replenish stage, relax with stroll or shower after meal will help to replenish tiredness to release body tension after work.
09 pm-10 pm 松懈期 – 忌进食,宜饮食逾神饮料如牛奶、蜜糖等。Night activities, best time for reading, light meeting and planning.
10 pm-11 pm 夜修期 – 忌进食,擅用此时进行阅读及思维缜密的活动。Time to stop all physical and mental works, prepare to sleep and rest.
Above information is for reference only, individual who is satisfied with current way of life, perhaps, can consider when opportunity arises. Reference from a Tai-Ji master.
2> 药方 – Herbal Prescriptions
药方1:“含羞草”根能治痔疮 – 不妨试试
- 只用地面以下无刺白根部分,最好为根头部分。
- 用洗菜精浸泡约15分钟以除去昆虫或菌类。
- 用清水洗净再浸泡最少45分钟后即可烹煮。
- 猪或鸡瘦肉约六片,根连头约四条,水一碗半。
- 水沸后加入肉与草根,大火煮沸后文火续煮30分钟。
- 加适量盐再盖焖约15分钟后将根丢弃,肉与汤空腹全食,之后2小时不进食。
- 连续服五日,过后每周一次服四次(约一个月)。
- 宜于清晨空肚服用,服后至少二至三小时不进其他食物。
- DENGUE FEVER 民间奇谈 (信不信由你) …
“传染蚊症的蚊虫一般在 5am 或 5pm将病症传开” … 真是这样吗?
也有说… “逢午日午时最容易犯到”… 哦! 无论如何,小心就是。最大祸首 – 蚊子!!! The Culprit is mosquitoes!!!
Papaya leaf juice – A Cure for Dengue Fever
民间土方由某善士提供,在无其他选择的情况下,不妨一试 …- 蚊症 Dengue Fever 小苦瓜五粒,田鸡一只,不加水乾炖五小时,只饮余荡。
- 蚊症 Dengue Fever – 西瓜汁多喝,非冰冷。
- 蚊症 Dengue Fever – 嫩木瓜叶搅汁加蜜糖饮服。
- 蚊症 Dengue Fever Remedy – 感谢某善士提供以下疗法…
Pass this information to others, it may save lives…
I would like to share this discovery from a person who has just recovered from dengue fever. He was in the critical stage at the ICU when his blood platelet count drops to 15 after 15 liters of blood transfusion. However, he was saved after some raw papaya leaves juice. From a platelet count of 45 after 20 liters of blood transfusion, after drinking the papaya leaf juice, his platelet count jumps instantly to 135.The Papaya Leaves Juice: Clean the papaya leaves with cold water,pound and squeeze with a filter cloth, do not boil or rinse the leaf with hot water, only the leafy part, no stem or sap. There will only be about one tablespoon from one leaf. You need at least 2 tablespoons per serving once a day. It is very bitter, the patient will have to swallow it.
As dengue fever is rampant now, it’s good to share this with all.
- 主治去石功能
- 中风 – 下图取自《中林德庸 借花献佛》在无其他选择情况下,不妨一试…《放血救命法》患了中风,脑部的微血管会慢慢破裂。遇到这种情形,千万别将患者搬动,无论是在浴室、卧房或任何地方,因为会加速微血管的继续破裂。宜在原地把患者扶起坐稳,避免再摔倒,这时开始放血。如有专为注射用的针最好,不然可用缝衣针或大头针,必须用火燃烧消毒后才可用。就在患者的十个手指头尖(用酒精擦过)大约距离指甲一分(约3mm)处刺下至有血流出,可用手将血挤出,等十个手指头都流出血,大约几分钟之后,患者就会清醒过来。如果嘴有歪的现象,可在患者耳朵耳垂部位拉红后刺针挤出两滴血,几分钟后,嘴即能恢复。过后再将患者送往医院治疗。家中宜备:注射用的针、消毒酒精、蜡烛(火)、棉花等。
“夏打嘴”可能是中风的前兆… (下文取自“39健康网”)俗话说:春困秋乏夏打嘴。但对于中老年人,尤其是高血压、脑动脉硬化者,夏天打嘴,哈欠频频,有可能是缺血性脑中风的先兆,应提高警惕。夏日高温燥热,人体大量排汗,体内水分散失多,血液浓缩易导致血液粘度升高,容易产生血栓、动脉硬化斑块。血液粘稠度大,血流迟缓,“血凝块性栓子”极易堵塞脑动脉形成脑栓塞等缺血性脑中风。同时夏天人们容易休息不好,易导致体内生物钟紊乱,血压升高,也容易诱发脑中风。大约有70%~80%的缺血性脑中风病病人,在发病前一周左右,会因大脑缺血缺氧而频频出现打哈欠等犯困现象。其原因是中老年人,特别是患高血 压、脑动脉硬化者,由于动脉粥样硬化,管腔变窄,血管壁弹性降低,致使流向大脑的血液量减少,而大脑对氧气十分敏感,仅占体重2%左右的大脑,却消耗全身 需氧量的25%左右,因此,当大脑缺血缺氧时,即引起哈欠频频,昏昏欲睡。同时,打哈欠还可使胸腔内压力下降,上下腔静脉回流心脏的血量增多,心脏的输出 血量增多,脑细胞的供血能力得到改善。但这种改善是暂时的,因此,频频哈欠常预示缺血性脑中风可能在近期发生。中老年人,尤其是有心脑血管疾病者,出现无诱因的白天犯困,哈欠连连,切不可掉以轻心,应及时去医院检查,在医生指导下,对高血压、高血脂等积极进行治疗。在盛夏湿热季节,中老年者应注意及时补水,对控制缺血性脑血管病的形成有好处;饮食宜清淡,避免高脂饮食,戒烟限酒,口服小剂量阿司匹林,以降低红细胞、血小板聚集性,防止血栓形成;在日常生活中,注意保持精神乐观,情绪稳定,防止激动,并注意防寒保暖。这些都对预防缺血性脑中风的发生有积极作用。
- 道家太极香 Taoist IncenseThe use of incense have been around for many centuries. Religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and especially Taoism use incense as a form of purification in their meditation places. Incense arouses our senses mentally, our visuals, hearing, feelings, taste and smell.
There are many types of incense, which available. The contents of the incense is the most important. Some are made with natural herbal infusions while others may contains artificial chemical. Those with natural herbal are of better choices.I would like to introduce a type of incense I use most regularly. It is known as the Taoist-Incense, it is developed by Dr Li HengLih 李亨利博士 from the International Taoists Philosophy Institute in Taiwan, a special incense manufactured for meditation and medication use.GeomanDesignCulture is associated with the International Taoist Studies and main importer for Taoist incense. For more information please contact cplim@geomancer.netCurrent price of 1 kg is S$188 / RM$450 / UK£90 The item is in powdered form, a container is highly recommended for it. A pack with daily use would last approximately 6 months. The above price does not include postage & packing.