天地人都是一体, 都是统一的一种能量而主和. 人是一种主和, 死后能和另能量主和或分解成各部能量. 大体一直, 没有分你我.
Meaning of Life. Everything is as one. A constant flow of fields. Humans are a specialised combination so as other living or non living. Such changes through time allows the field to reform and react with the environment. There is no death, just change of form. Forms in resemblance to fields can merge or dispurse. A higher being which we can acknowledge is of a higher concentration of field or independant fields. If there is god, it would be a heirachy of gods and not a single form.
This may not appeal to most who are not concerned about after death but only of current existance. To those who wish to know the meaning or purpose of life, there is none, just go with the flow. We are just a micro part of a cycle. Just like a pebble in the bottom of a stream. Is your goal to be a ultimate controlling force? when you are, it will be a peak which dispurses into small forms and the cycle starts again.
Everything we know is governed by
- Cosmic and Solar Stars / Sky (天)
- Planet Earth / Earth (地)
- Us / People (人)
The cosmic affects the small and the small affects the micro. Cosmic stars are alive just like us. Their pulses run much longer and further than mankind. The cosmic affects how our Earth responds and in turn how we live. There is little scientific evidence at the moment to prove the pattern of coexistence of people and cosmic but we cannot deny the possibility.
Good Wisdom of the Day
- “一切都会过去” everything will be the past. 庄子 Zhuang Zi (Tao Philosopher)
- “锦上添花是让别人看, 而雪中送炭是为自己”. 庄子 Zhuang Zi (Tao Philosopher)
- “不要后悔, 不要怕” – past is the past, do not regret, do not feel fear
- “小丑于神经病的分别是: 小丑知道几时应该停, 而神经病不知到.” Difference between a clown and a lunatic: one knows when to stop. Taiwan Comedian
- “道者曰生活就在今时” – Living is Now. CPLim (Geomancer.net)
- “贵人与小人一线之别” – Your saviour may be your destructor and vice-versa. CPLim (Geomancer.net)
- “人生是让我们体会和寻找的一个道路, 寻找一个自己认为更有意义的旅程” – Life is learning about a way, finding a way and experiencing the way.
- “时间会冲谈一却,往善行,向恶避” – Everything will exhaust in time. Proceed with ease with minor contribution to the less favourable and more to the favourable.
- “傻是没有药医的, 只能靠后天的努力” – Simple mindedness has no medicine. The cure lies on hard work.
- “和睦相处, 不计小过” – Live in harmony and let things past.
- “试试看看, 不要后悔, 不要怕, 游戏人生, 一切都会成为过去” – Try, no regrets, do not be afraid, have fun in the time you have.
- “不怕做的慢, 只怕没有动” – Slow is fine, but at least start.
- “不要让身边的杂声模糊了你的梦想” – Do not let the noise around you derail you from your dreams.
- “要舍才得” – To give is to get
- “道是生活的方法,家是生活的环境” – Tao is a way of life, Home is the environment to live life in.
When your view is unique and benefits only yourself, you are a bandit
When your view is unique and benefits everyone else, you are a hero
When your view is not unique, you are just everyone else
与您分享我的人生体验. 便是常人过多而不善于.
了解您对人生的价值. 过得汛期自然, 游戏人间
“常人需求过多, 而不善于利用现有的工具”
“常人担忧过多, 而不善于处理眼前的事务”
“常人误听过多, 而不善于分析其中的道理”
“常人欲望过多, 而不善于珍惜周围的所有”
“常人急躁过多, 而不善于了解问题的根本”
“常人鲁莽过多, 而不善于根除事故的真题”
“常人疑心过多, 而不善于体会他人的好意”
“常人杂念过多, 而不善于肯定人生的价值”
Philosophical Readings
- Yi Jing 易经 – I-Ching, Book of Changes, Recommended Authors – 傅佩荣 Fu Pei Rong
- 诸子百家 (Zhu Zi Bai Jia) – Collections of 100 Houses, includes Daoism, Confucianism, Mohism, Warring books, Law and thoughts on Chinese Philosophy.
- 阳宅集成 (Yang Jai Ji Cheng) – Compilation of Feng Shui for Living Beings
- 孙子兵法 (Sun Zi Bing Fa) – Art of War
- 三十六计 (San Shi Liu Ji ) – 36 Stratagems
- 春秋 (Chun Qiu)
- http://learn.tsinghua.edu.cn:8080/2004011794/zzbj/zzbj_index.htm
- http://www.shuku.net:8082/novels/mulu/baijia.html
- http://baike.baidu.com/view/6580.htm
- http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/诸子百家