Zen is the fruit from Tao and Roots of Buddhism. Buddhism was originated from the holy land of India, and the teachings was passed into China, approximately during the Tang dynasty. Many other sources mention about another individual, Bodhi Dharma, who was the originator of Zen. So why is there Tao, Zen, Buddhism? As a novice, years ago; I asked myself which is the path to follow and why do they all over lap in essence of their teachings? I soon discovered the gem in all of them and the key is the seed that we have to cultivate within ourselves.
This seed is called stillness.
Tao, treats this as harmony. The balance between 1 and 0, good and bad, heaven and earth. Zen, treats this as cultivating the emptiness. In both philosophies (or religion), there is no god. Or to say it differently, we are all part of the universal entity (to some religions, identify this as God). In all interpretations, there is sense. But the immediate focus is different. Focus on the inner self, and let it manifest to be a greater energy in harmony with all. There are no good words to describe it but we have to learn to look deep inside ourselves to experience “us”.
Be still for a few minutes. Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you. Take a few minutes to take them all in. Breathe normally and slowly deepen each breath, making it slow, deep and comfortable. Now focus on the breathing. As you do, the aroundness about you becomes the nothingness. It is the switch between outside and inside; the path in between, the split second. That is harmony. As one meditates over time, this gap builds up. This gap is where there is no time, no self, no past nor future. Just the now. and you as the observer of your own body.
The nothingness between Zen and Tao